Voice Cast: Snooper, Blabber, Irish Cop – Daws Butler; Rich Guy, Baby Pants Pinkie – Doug Young.
Music: Bill Loose/John Seely; Jack Shaindlin; Phil Green; Spencer Moore; Geordie Hormel.
Production No: Quick Draw McGraw M-001, Production J-14.
First Aired: week of Sept. 28, 1959 (rerun, week of March 28, 1960)
Plot: Snooper and Blabber chase a pearl-necklace-stealing crook disguised as a baby.

He must have thought the premise was funny in and of itself because there’s not a lot to augment it in this cartoon. There’s a bit of silly wordplay and enough quirks to make it likeable, but there’s also a lot of running (the cartoon’s plot inclusively ends with it) and a cop (Irish, of course) who’s so unbelievably stupid, he doesn’t realise the baby is a criminal, even after getting shot in the face with a gun. It just seems like not a lot really happens.

Blab: Gee, that’s a small suitcase for such a rich man, Snoop.
Snoop: Suitcase, nuttin. That’s his wallet.

Blab: Snoop! It’s a b-b-baby!
Snoop (from the kitchen): A what-by?
The note reads on the baby basket reads “Please take care of my little Muggsy I’m going to the races an’ will pick him up later!” A similar rough-house vocabulary note is found in Baby Buggy Bunny.
Snoop thinks the gun that falls out of the “heavy little tyke” is a rattle. Nice timing as the “baby” flips over 180 degrees then back to retrieve and hide the gun. There’s also a subtle bit of animation. Baby Pants starts bawling and gives a little bawl at the end and looks at Snoop to see if he’s buying the baby act.

Snoop (chasing Baby Pants): Stop in the name of the Private Eye Prep!
The cartoon’s more than half over already and the rest of time is spent getting tangled up with the stupid Irish cop who thinks Snooper and Blabber are bothering a real baby. The best (and about the only) gag is when Baby Pants jumps on the cop’s lap and switches his bonnet for the cop’s cap. Snoop is behind them with a baseball bat. A bush is blocking his view of everything except the head with the bonnet. “Go to sleep, my little goo-goo baby!” paraphrases Snoop, as he whops the officer on the head.

Finally, Snoop gets the pearls back. “And remember, crime hardly ever pays,” he exhorts to the criminal. But, no. The officer whops him with a billy-club and gives the pearls back to the “baby.” He doesn’t catch on to the fact it’s Baby Pants Pinkie until the “child” drives up to him, asks for a light for a cigar and drives away.

The sound cutter, for whatever reason, decided to use a lot of music that’s normally found on The Huckleberry Hound Show. I wonder if different cutters were assigned to each show and they switched off for this one cartoon. One of them was Warner Leighton, who came to Hanna-Barbera from Dudley Films. Another was Joe Ruby, who as most readers like know, joined H-B’s Ken Spears to form their own studio in the ‘70s.
0:00 - Snooper and Blabber Main Title theme (Curtin)
0:25 - TC-436 SHINING DAY (Loose-Seely) – Snooper and Blabber with rich guy, rich guy drives away, pan to Baby Pants’ car.
1:21 - ZR-94 CHASE (Hormel) – Baby Pants in car, changes.
1:46 - GR-93 DRESSED TO KILL (Green) – Blab watches TV, Baby Pants on porch, inside home, crawls away.
3:02 - L-1154 ANIMATION COMEDY (Moore) – Baby Pants climbs up fireplace, blows up safe.
3:45 - LAF-2-12 ON THE RUN (Shaindlin) – Blab looks out window, “Gotcha Baby Pants.”
4:03 - TC-303 ZANY COMEDY (Loose-Seely) – Snooper shakes “baby,” clobbered by officer, Baby Pants shoots officer.
4:51 - fast circus chase music (Shaindlin) – Baby Pants runs, jumps on officer.
5:28 - GR-93 DRESSED TO KILL (Green) – Scene on park bench.
6:07 - LAF-6-16 Sportscope-like march (Shaindlin) – Baby Pants runs, captured in garbage can.
6:17 - TC-300 ECCENTRIC COMEDY (Loose-Seely) – Snoop reaches into garbage can, clubbed by officer, Baby Pants drives off, “So, what else is new?”
6:57 - ZR-48 FAST MOVEMENT (Hormel) – Officer chases after Baby Pants.
7:09 - Snooper and Blabber End Title theme (Curtin).
That sounds like a horrendously unsatisfying ending.
ReplyDeleteI believe Joe Ruby and Ken Speers were both cutters along with Greg Watson. They're credited on episodes of The Flintstones and Loopy De Loop.
There's also a little bit of the Maltese-Jones Daffy Duck in the early Snooper-Blabber episodes, in that the heroes tend to come out on the wrong side of the situation at the iris out, after taking it through most of the cartoon . This was one of those early examples, though by mid-season Maltese seemed to figure out that having a low-keyed character like Snoop get it in the end most of the time didn't play well without Daffy's desperate braggadocio, and the stories were adjusted accordingly.
ReplyDeleteJesus, "Yowp-Yowp" Dodsworth!
ReplyDeleteThis Snooper & Blabber episode is antologic!
"They're making realistic toys nowadays!"
Snnoper & Blabber: two trouble-makers in chains with the Irish cop (typically New Yorker), at the moment at this same policeman was chasing the tiny-sized Baby Pants at the end of this episode.
ReplyDelete"This isn't my day", says a bittered Snooper, exactly at the end of this same episode.
Since this was the first episode of the series, that means this was probably the first produced- at the tail end of the 1958-'59 production season. Which means that several cues from Capitol's "Hi-Q" music library concurrently used for "HUCKLEBERRY HOUND" were also employed {"Shining Day", "Zany Comedy", "Eccentric Comedy", "Fast Movement"}. When Snooper and Blabber finally went into regular production, different cues from the library were utilized [note that Hanna-Barbera continued to generally use the same music cues during Huck's first two seasons, while using "newer" ones for all of the Quick Draw McGraw segments].