Voices: Quick Draw, Baba Looey, Man from Bank, Bank Manager, Engineer, Newspaper Reader 2, Sheriff, Townspeople, Phoney El Kabong – Daws Butler; Narrator, Horse Face Harry, Newspaper Reader 1, Deputy, Townspeople, Phoney El Kabong – Don Messick.
Music: Phil Green; Jack Shaindlin, J. Louis Merkur, unknown.
First aired: week of March 14, 1960 (repeated, week of Sept. 12, 1960)
Episode: Quick Draw McGraw Show M-025, Production J-72.
Plot: El Kabong tries to clear his name when bandit Horse Face Harry assumes his identity.
Was there ever a bad El Kabong cartoon? This is the fourth and last one produced for the 1959-60 season and it has exactly what you’d expect: catchphrases, shameless puns, lots of kabongs and crashes, stylised layouts, and a fight scene that stops for a pleasant conversation. And the bad guy loses, but so does the good guy (with Baba making an observation to the audience to finish the cartoon).
It also has the return of Horse Face Harry, although he’s played by Don Messick this time instead of Doug Young. I like the fact that Quick Draw’s supposed secret idea is known by Horse Face, who steals it.

This is a tale of a quiet Western village
That once was the scene of plunder and pillage
‘Til those responsible, the doers of wrong
Were caught by the phantom El Kabong.
The music and scene suddenly changes, and we’re informed by a tiny-pupilled little man (a Nicholas trademark) the bank has been robbed. The narrator laments “If only El Kabong were here,” and the little guy tells us that’s who is robbing the bank. A mini-crime spree follows, with kabongings of a bank manager and a train engineer (with the voice of Cap’n Crunch) in between newspaper headline gags.
Man (reading): “El Kabong Turns Bandit. Robs Bank on Beautiful Spring Day.” I can’t believe it! The weatherman said it was going to rain.
Man (reading): “El Kabong Robs Train and Fleas.” What in the world would he want with fleas?

The scene cuts to Quick Draw, happily strumming his guitar while a barely-tolerating Baba Looey listens to him croon: “Ohhhh, I’m not a cactus, honey. I just forgot to shave.” We don’t get the rest of the lyrics because Baba interrupts the song because he hears something. “Sounds like a female critter yellin’ her head off,” Quick Draw observes, meaning it’s a job for El Kabong, so he ducks behind a boulder to change outfits. As in the Warners cartoon Super Rabbit (1944), he emerges with the wrong one. One corrected, there’s a repetition-dialogue gag, with the disguised deputy referring to himself as a “poor female critter in distress.” El Kabong now jumps from a building, swinging on a rope to the rescue, but is stopped in mid-air by the posse’s bullets. All Quick Draw can say is his catchphrase: “Oooh. That smarts.”

So Quick Draw hatches a plan. He hands Baba Looey a bag of gold that came from somewhere and when Horse Face Harry shows up and kabongs him, Quick Draw will kabong the bad guy right back. Baba doesn’t thin’ he likes the plan, which gives our hero a chance to give us his “I’ll do the thinnin’ around here, Baba Looey, and don’t you forget it.” The plan doesn’t work anyway. The two El Kabongs swoop down on Baba and end up colliding in mid air.
The two now get into a battle with their guitars (which magically appeared from somewhere; they didn’t have them when swinging on their ropes). The clash gets interrupted when Quick Draw complements Horse Face on the quality of his kabonger and the two start chatting about Pop Brady’s guitar shop in San Antone. I like how Nicholas saves some drawing in the shot by having the guitars in reverse; no need to draw strings. Baba interrupts the pleasantries to remind Quick Draw he’s got a job to do. That, of course, reminds Horse Face, who kabongs Quick Draw and makes off with the gold.

Baba Looey thin’s he’ll “take the shortscuts and give Quickstraw some assistance.” That he does. He disgustedly shoves a boulder on a rope at Horse Face swinging on a rope. A collision is inevitable. Of course, so is the rope snapping and the boulder plummeting onto Quick Draw. The bash knocks him silly. Well, sillier than usual.

Jack Shaindlin’s ‘Crazy Goof’ makes two appearances on the soundtrack. I’m presuming the harmonica versions of ‘Red River Valley’ and ‘La Cucaracha’ are from the Hi-Q ‘X’ series but I haven’t located them.
0:00 - Quick Draw McGraw Sub Main Title theme (Curtin).
0:15 - Red River Valley (Trad.) – Narrator, shot of statue.
0:27 - GR-387 GATHERING THE PRODUCE (Green) – Man runs from bank, manager kabonged.
0:46 - GR-96 BY JIMINY! IT’S JUMBO (Green) – ‘Spring Day’ newspaper.
0:56 - MAD RUSH No 3 (Shaindlin) – Train engineer kabonged.
1:05 - GR-99 THE DIDDLECOMB HUNT (Green) – ‘Fleas’ newspaper, sheriff’s office scene, deputy caterwauls.
1:47 - guitar strumming (?) – Quick Draw strums guitar.
1:53 - tick tock/flute music (Shaindlin) – Baba hears something, baby outfit, Quick Draw shot.
2:43 - GR-76 POPCORN SHORT BRIDGE No 2 (Green) – Quick Draw in mid-air, drops.
2:49 - CRAZY GOOF (Shaindlin) – Quick Draw kabonged by Horse Face, vows revenge.
3:41 - SF-11 LIGHT MOVEMENT/MOUNTAINEERS' HOEDOWN (Merkur) – Baba with gold, Horse Face on cliff.
4:13 - related to Sportscope (Shaindlin) – Horse Face jumps, collides with Quick Draw, Quick Draw kabonged.
4:32 - GR-472 HICKSVILLE (Green) – “Mighty fine kabonger,” Quick Draw and Horse Face chat, kabong!
4:55 - SIX DAY BICYCLE RACE (Shaindlin) – Horse Face grabs gold, collides with boulder, boulder drops on Quick Draw, goofy song.
5:32 - CRAZY GOOF (Shaindlin) – Baba reads Cactus Sentinel, Quick Draw crashes through window, looks out through door.
6:15 - La Cucaracha (?) – Phoney El Kabongs clobber Quick Draw.
6:33 - Fast circus music (Shaindlin) – Quick Draw runs.
6:43 - Quick Draw Sub-End Title credits (Curtin).
Yowp, I've heard that there's this seller, Hank Moore, who sells Capitol Hi-Q library volumes on LPs, CDs, etc. On this particular link:
there are these two volumes he has, M-117/118 and M-121/122, which are in the "Americana - Traditional". On the APM music website, some Native American-style tracks have descriptions such as "Americana" and "Traditional".
There's also the volume X-53/54, which has the category "Honky Tonky". I think it's like Honky Tonk, as in "honky tonk piano". Maybe, the "silent movie piano" pieces from "Show Biz Bear" are on that volume. I would suggest contacting him at his e-mail address:
That way, you can tell him that you want to buy the specific Hi-Q volumes I suggested. I think this way, we may have a chance of finding more stock music cues from the early Hanna-Barbera cartoons. Please respond to my comment by telling me what you think of my idea. Thanks!
Thanks, but Yowp [and I and others] are familiar. It's a pretty good, if not complete, collection.
ReplyDeleteL-39/40 has familiar "Yogi" cues like
all written by David Rose but contractually credited to Bill Loose and John Seely [see link in Yowp's blog, and go to the Christmas 2009 and 2010 stories]
L-7/8 and 8/9 contained cues used by both Hanna-Barbera and Art Clokey like:[All Bill Loose DOMESTICS]
[heard only on a 1957 Gumby titled "Outcast Marbles"]
C-3 [heard mostly on second and some third-season pre-Hoyt Curtin Hucks, Yogis, and Jinkss]
[the above familiar from Clokey Gumby and Davey/Goliath programs]
[Clokey, and possibly HB for Yogi's "Pie Pirates]
[the above heard only on Clokey/Gumby, and on some industrial flicks and many sitcoms]
[All of the above subtitled CHILDREN]
[the above heard on Huck/Yogi/Jinks-Meece and subtitled LITE[sic]]
C-42 LITE MECHANICAL [used on both Ruff & Reddy and Gumby]
[Again, all exclusively written by BILL LOOSE]
In the early L-90s, we find some PHILIP GREEN cues [more of which may be found currently on Yowp's widget jukebox on the right:)]
L-92 COLORS/LITE-These British cues had colors and most case flower names, one of which is a favorite of some of us, DAFFODIL YELLOW and the others being an OZZIE AND HARRIET TV theme, BLUSH ROSE. None that I know of used by Hanna-Barbera, though Clokey used some
[this is the Ozzie and Harriet TV theme I mentioned]
[These were written by PHILIP GREEN who also wrote all of the rest of the LP and can be found on a 1962 GUMBY, "Northland Follies", though I have yet to hear them at AT>]
L-93/94, also by GREEN, are comedy cues similiar to those he wrote on L-47 that the Rhino Hanna-Barbera set used for the Quick Draw and Snooper ones, though his Augie cues selected are differently orchestrated. Those were from L-27/28. Samples from L-93/94:
The above may have been on a few HB-I've heard them on Gumby and these are my favorites. The alternate names for the LITE MELODICS are becuase these were originally written for composer PHIL GREEN'S native British EMI PHOTOPLAY library, under odd titles [NOT vanilla "descriptions"], rather oddly titled for the comedy ones. I don't know the US "description" titles for the last album contents.
Another Moore, SPENCER< had a handful like L-992 and L-1158 used by HB, CLOKEY, and WB during the fall 1958 musicians strike era when six of their cartoons got scored with sotck cues due to the strike--those two "Spencer Moore" cues were used in one shorts, as running gags, GOPHER BROKE, Nov.1958.
JACK SHAINDLIN had a seperate New York library distributed by Capitol
and others, with Yowp himself still lacking in a complete collection, all familiar from these.
[Sorry for the long post, but this was for MAKE BELIEVE's info. Jack wasn't part of Hi-Q, which is why he wasn't lsite,d and Hank Moore himself doesn't have the entire libary, going over that.
Other sites have that advertised too..]
Steve J.Carras--and a happy New Year.
Hi, MB. I've dealt with Hank before. Very prompt and courteous. Unfortunately, some of his cues are mislabelled or lack anything except the name of the reel. Some have had the slates taken off some of them by whatever his source was.
ReplyDeleteHi Q wasn't put out all in one bunch. Reels were added as time progressed; production libraries are the same today. Those later M reels didn't exist when the cartoons were being made. The X reels might have been. Capitol deleted reels in the Hi-Q library and replaced them with newer material but still used the same reel number.
I don't have a Hi-Q catalogue so I can't look up the individual cues.
"It seems there's an El Kabongs' convention!" (says Quick Draw [the real El Kabong], when he sees a bunch of people costumed of El Kabong at an Indian queue, at the final part of this Quick Draw Mc Graw episode.)
ReplyDelete"Yowp-Yowp" Dodsworth and friends,
Seeing this scene of the "El Kabongs' convention", I could notice how Walter Clinton was considered a master in drawing crowds at the Hanna-Barbera cartoons from the 50s and 60s.
Imagine if this scene of the "El Kabongs' convention" was seen on a panoramic way on your blog, including Quick Draw (the real El Kabong) appearing in front of that hallucinated bunch.
Ah, in the John Kricfalusi's blog (http://johnkstuff.blogspot.com), there are some scenes from this Quick Draw McGraw episode on those two topics which involve the Walter Clinton's artwork on the Quick Draw McGraw episodes from The Quick Draw McGraw Show (Hanna-Barbera/Columbia Pictures, 1959-62). Enjoy to see them.
anyone know the episode where quickdraw rescues a woman who is applying lipstick yelling "Help! Help!"
ReplyDeleteMasking for Trouble
ReplyDeleteThe "I wonder what he wants with fleas" line is used in the 6th episode of "Top Cat" titled "The Missing Heir" where Top Cat is reading on a newspaper.
ReplyDeleteThis cartoon is Pure Gold. Within the limitations of TV animation it's just genius. If I was to select an example of an El Kabong episode to the unitiated, it would be this one. It's even got 3 Kabong's in the title! I saw these cartoons when they were first screened and here I am, on New Years Day, 2018, watching this cartoon, at 66 years old, and laughing out loud. What a wonderful blog you have, Yowp! Such dedication and passion is to be treasured.