One ventures into dangerous territory if one endeavours to spout more than a few words as John Wayne or Yogi Bear. The longer one talks, the easier it is to lose the voice and start sounding like a semi-detectable, eyeroll-inducing, quasi-impersonation. And that’s perhaps something the casting director at Golden Records should have considered.
Golden Records was a New York-based company that put out seemingly endless numbers of children’s discs in the ‘40s, ‘50s and early ‘60s featuring storybook characters or favourite cartoon stars. The early Hanna-Barbera stars were no exception. Unfortunately, there was a problem. The voices of those characters—Daws Butler and Don Messick—apparently were signed to exclusive kiddie record deals with other companies, so Golden had to make do with its small company of New York actors pretending to be Huckleberry Hound, Yogi Bear and even some of the more obscure characters like Major Minor.
Maybe for a few words, the actors could have pulled it off. For a whole song? As they say in New York—Fawggedabouddit. Some of the results were shockingly inept.
It’s unfortunate because it wasn’t the fault of the voice actors. They certainly had talent; they never would have been hired to begin with in a very competitive environment if they hadn’t. It’s just their talent didn’t include the ability to competently mimic Daws and Don’s cartoon creations.

But before you judge for yourself, let’s read a little about what Milano could do. And he could do a lot. His radio credits include Lux Radio Theatre, Suspense and X Minus One. Two columnists devoted their space to Milano’s special gifts. The first was syndicated by the New York Tribune on June 22, 1952.
Out Of The Air
Meet Frank Milano—A Most Versatile Actor
One of the most highly specialized actors around is a man named Frank Milano.
You probably never heard of him, but you’ve certainly heard him. Among the roles he has played (in voice only) are a mouse, a goose, frogs (several of them, them, which shows real talent), a puppy singing “The Star Spangled Banner”, a fish with a high-pitched laugh, a psychopathic motorboat—I’m not making this up, Mannie. He played a psychopathic motorboat—a jet-propelled spoon, an auto starter with a rundown battery, a talking eagle, a talking owl, a stallion fighting a wild boar and a coyote fighting a collie.
Finally the ad agency decided to create three cartoon characters named Snap, Crackle and Pop. Milano played all three roles, conceivably his greatest.
His particular artistry has stirred his press agent, Eddie Jaffe, into transports of prose not heard in these parts since, as the saying goes, sliced bread.
“Can we fail to do else but salute a man who in a single record album has had to be the voices of a dog, a cat, a lamb, a robin, a goose, two frogs, a horse and four pigs?” inquires Jaffe on an ascending note of esteem.
“Mr. Milano is a gentleman in love with sound. He is stirred to the excitement of a hole-in-one or winning a Pulitzer Prize when he successfully licks the challenge of projecting a lion’s roar or doing a convincing talking eagle.
“His work proves there is imagination and adventure left even in those of us who spend our waking hours in the shadows of the drug store. What adjectives can you find to describe a man who spends hours of his life so he can become a walking encyclopedia of automobile sounds—anything from a Model T to a fire engine? Without Milano, where would the director be who wanted the sound of a dying horse or a humor-loving omnibus—a lovelorn orangutan or an automobile starter with a rundown battery?”
Where indeed? Probably back in Pocono.
But the going was rough and jobs were not numerous. There were only a few animal imitators around and Milano was encouraged to specialize. He’s very glad he did. “I wouldn’t act a straight line now for anything—even if I still could.”
In the old days of radio, Milano was called whenever they needed animals. Now he works regularly on two shows—the Bobby Benson radio show and the Rootie Kazootie TV puppet show. On the Benson show he’s Bobby’s horse, dog and a skunk (a sort of kissing noise.) On Rootie Kazootie, he not only makes the sound but manipulates two characters—Galapoochie Pup and Poison Zoomack, the villain.
You mustn’t think he has a clear field in this line of work. Milano makes children’s records for RCA Victor twice a year as little Nipper the Pup (who is supposed to be the RCA Victor Trademark dog.) He won the part over 100 other applicants.
Milano started making animal sounds when he was 4 or 5 years old, walking in the woods with his father.
Now he owns his own farm in Hillsdale, N. Y., where he converses with woodchucks and chipmunks. The woodchuck sound is a sort of hollow, knocking sound caused by the animals chomping their jaws together.
Milano was chomping one day, outside his house, when a woodchuck came racing through the grass. Suddenly the beast found he was racing toward Milano, not another woodchuck. He stood paralyzed until Milano stopped chomping. Then he fled. You can get only so close to woodchucks.
And here’s an Associated Press column, dated March 21, 1953.
Frank Milano Can Imitate Anything But Tinkle of Bell
NEW YORK (AP)—Frank Milano is perhaps the only man in the world who can make a sound like a flying saucer.
“It takes off with a strange whistling, whining noise, like this—OO-OOO-OOO-OOOO—then it becomes supersonic, and you can’t hear it,” he said.
Milano is firmly convinced flying saucers do exist, they are not of this planet, and it is high time us Earth people came to terms with them.
“They are not hallucinations,” he insisted. “I have seen one myself, and my wife has seen several.”
Frank’s ability to imitate the sound of a flying saucer stems from a highly educated set of vocal chords that earn him $35,000 to $50,000 a year. He is one of the nation’s few professional animal imitators and vocal effects artists.
Talented Imitator
Milano, a pleasant, mild-mannered ex-actor, drifted into his specialty by accident. But today radio and television would be hard put to do without him. He does the voice effects for half a dozen programs, ranging from a pup on the Rootie Kazootie show to a live parrot on the Bill Goodwin show.
He has also been the voice of a motor boat with a sense of humor, a wayward bus, a jet- propelled spoon, and an automobile starter with a rundown battery. Oh, yes, he also was a Rice Krispie for a while. His “snap, crackle and pop” performance in that role is, of course, now a part of theatrical history—like Hamlet.
Likes Gadget Stuff
“I like imitating mechanical gadgets,” Frank said, “Right row I’m playing the part of a washing machine — chug, chug, gluggle, gluggle, gluggle. I can also make a sound like a squadron of talking airplanes, but none of the airlines will buy it for a commercial. They say it's too frightening.”
The animals he hates most to imitate are bears. Scratches his vocal chords.
“Animal battles— two stallions fighting it out, or a mountain lion fighting a horse—are hard on my throat, too,” he said. “I guess I like to do dogs best. There are only two kinds of dog barks really — big dog barks and little dog barks.
“Dogs have been very important in my career. Some day I’d like to retire and raise them. I owe them a lot.”
Can’t Imitate Bell
Frank takes his art seriously, goes to endless lengths to be certain his sounds are realistic. His toughest assignment was to imitate a talking eagle.
“I haunted the zoo for days, but the eagles wouldn’t talk, although I tried 300 different sounds on them trying to get them to answer,” he said. “Finally, during a trip to the country, I heard a couple of eagles screeching at night. I got out of bed and screeched back at them until I had the sound down pat.”
All great artists have their sorrows, and Frank has his. There is one sound he has never been able to imitate.
“I can’t tinkle like a bell,” he said. “I have tried and tried, but I can’t make it. So far as I know nobody can. If you could vocalize like a bell—well, you’d really have something, wouldn’t you?”

We get songs, so to speak, and a Loopy fairy tale. The best tune is the stripped-down combo that chirps out the Yogi Bear Show theme song. None of the rest of the songs come from any of the TV shows and were concocted especially for the record company. If you can listen to them all, and all the way through, you’ve done more than I could.
Setting aside his unfortunate attempt at emulating Alfie Gator, Milano did have some actual cartoon voice experience. Mark Arnold, author of The Story of Underdog, Tennessee Tuxedo and the Rest, says Milano performed some incidental voices for Total Television. And in an ironic tit for tat, Milano’s “Hamlet” roles—as Snap, Crackle and Pop—were taken over by the
main character actors at Hanna-Barbera: Daws Butler and Don Messick.
If the VoiceChasers web site is correct, this album was close to Frank Milano’s last work. He died in New York on December 15, 1962, age 64, leaving his dogs, owls, woodchucks and psycho motorboats to lesser talents.
And although the album cover is silent, Billboard magazine of the day revealed the identity of the woman lending a drawl to Cindy Bear on this LP. She had a bit of experience in the world of cartoon characters herself, having played Casper the Friendly Ghost and on Little Audrey and Little Lulu shorts for Famous Studios. She’s none other than Cecil Roy .
I clicked on Snooper and Blabber. That's supposed to be them? To quote a "Friends" catchphrase: That is so not Snooper and Blabber. IOnteresting that Cecil Roy was a woman; I had always assumed that she was a young boy actor, one of several who'd played Casper.[One who was a woman was Norma MacMillan, who'd played my old buddy Gumby.:)]
ReplyDeleteI suppose Daws Butler is not in this record, eh?
DeleteThat's what the post says.
DeleteOne thing on celebs having interesting vs non-interesting: I completely agree with everything you wrote, save for one thing qand it's just my opinion, a very select fewq, Sarah Silverman and Ellen Page are exceptions, though legalties govenring imitating another person would prevent it. Interesting that you ntoed Seinfeld,too.
ReplyDeleteI have one of the Golden Lps with Gilbert Mack doing Blabber, Boo Boo, and few others. Same result as Milano, though. It is hard listening to those Lps without the original voice actors.I think had he lived, with his ability to mimic " things ", he could have been a first rate foley artist. The Michael Winslow ( Police Academy) of his day. Great blog. It's interesting learning about some of the other voice actors who are all but forgotten these days. Sadly, not big in the spotlight during their lifetime. You always hear " Now I can place the face with the voice ". Well...Now I can place the snap, crackle, pop with the man.
ReplyDeleteThis has to be one of the funniest children's records I've ever heard! The unintelligible Yacky Doodle voice on "Like A Duck" was chuckle worthy, but the Snagglepuss voice on "The Snagglepuss March" was so third-rate that it has to be heard to be believed! As good as the better Daws Butler and Don Messick records are, this one's in a classic awful place all its own. I wonder if they ever offered Art Carney any Yogi Bear record gigs in New York? He did some work in the children's field, I can't remember if he recorded anything for Golden Records or not. Mark Kausler
ReplyDeleteYes, Carney did. He recorded a version of 'The Ugly Duckling' for Golden in 1952 (re-released in the late '50s). He then recorded for Columbia.
ReplyDeleteCarney also did Golden Records " The Wizard of Oz ". He did the full narration backed up with songs and a full orchestra.
ReplyDeleteI’m amazed that some vinyl was devoted to Alfy Gator – one of my most favorite H-B second stringers! Yes, I know there was a Marx figurine of him made in the early ‘60s (I have one!) – oddly at the seeming expense of producing a Chopper figurine. There was Yakky, Fibber, and Alfy… but no Chopper!
ReplyDeleteBut, Alfy never made it to the comic books during their best period (Dell and Gold Key), and never seemed represented anywhere else that I noticed.
Anyone sure that Frank wasn't Mister Wizard the Lizard["Tooter the Turtle"]. Reference books have said so and even given the VAST innacuracy of such books, it sounds like him [as Mister Wizard, also siad to be Sandy Becker] when I clicked on Snagglepuss [even put a folder devoted to this: Frank Milano, in my Comic Stuff folder]. BTW Was he related to the much much modern day TV actress Alyssa Milano?
ReplyDeletePS I'm listening to Major Minor and Snagglepuss, and Heavens to MERGATROYD, the late Mr.Milano [how come Decvember 15 seems the date for so many famous people to die*] surprsingly to my ears, and I AM NOT fooling..DID pull off a more accepeptable than-expected job, and it's hilarious to hear the song.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the replacement cast:
Another reason, contract notwithstanding, why these typesof casts,also known as second-casts, exist here is the issue working on opposite shores! New York for the album. California for H-B.
*Others who died, and more famous, on Dec.15:
Fats Waller [1943], Glenn Miller [1944], Walt Disney [1966], either Bob Mosher or Joe Connelly ["Amos and Andy,","Beaver",and "Munsters",1972].Plus a bridge in West Virginia, the Silver Bridge, fell down, AGAIN on December 15.[1967] Must be a fateful day as Frank Milano's death date is that date as well [1962].
Still, I went and cloicked the album that you posted on June, the Huck adventure, with the REAL voices for Colpix-Daws Butler and Don Messick [plus Doug Young as a certain Ding-a-Ling, and ysa gotta admit, on that Ghost Huck story, Hokey's well used.]
Well, you've surte coverred the various types of Hanna-Barbera casts and records, Mr.D.M.Yowp.
Good luck from this orange Horse, S.C.,aka Pokey.
I thought the post was clear, Steve. Mark Arnold spoke with the people who made the cartoons. Frank Milano was not Mr. Wizard. He did incidental voices (on King Leonardo). No major characters. Period.
ReplyDelete"It sounds to me like it's..." guesses (and other stabs in the dark) are the reason "reference" books and web sites are full of misinformation. People guess instead of tracking down the facts. I applaud Mark for talking to Tread Covington and getting the real story. That's the difference between research and inventing or perpetuating a rumour, which takes no effort or brains.
Mark Evanier's site quashed that "Wizard" misinformation six years ago and I don't know why you want to bring it back from the dead.
You're right, Yowp. And for the record, Delo States was female as MORT MARSHALL did "States" voices like Stanley Livingston and the similiar sounding early Trix Rabbit, and if I'm not mistaken, Klondike Kat. Sorry to make the last comment...can I delte my last comment?
ReplyDeleteMark Arnold would have known. I had read that same stuff that you did and know that Al Swift was Simon Bar Sinister if I'm not mistaken. I think Frank Milano was the ONLY male to do ONLY incidentals on those TTV shows at first! [Tenessee has more actors than main characters:Don Adams as Tennesee, Bradley Bolke as Chuml;ey, Kenny Delmar [presumably as narrator, Yak and Baldy], Larry Storch as Mr.Whoopee, Mort Marshall as Stanley Livingston [Mark Evanier ten years ago himself didn't know most of those voices], Norm Rose and other.
Here is Frank Milano doing the voices of Hokey Wolf and Ding-A-Ling.
It's great to hear more about Frank and how talented he was, I happened to live on his farm in Hillsdale, NY for 11 years from 1984 to 1995. The house I lived in was where he would record his voice-overs. His daughter Markie still lives in Hillsdale.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the note, Bob.
ReplyDeleteDoing specialty sounds like that takes a special talent and people who could do it were in high demand.
OTOH, that sort of thing awfully remind me of local ads that try aping cartoon character voices and it never comes off perfectly as you could expect. I remember plenty of that in my hometown back in the 80's and 90's.
ReplyDeleteMost of the "Songs of Yogi Bear and All His Pals" album were "recycled" (with new artwork) as "Hey There, It's Yogi Bear" [GLP-124] in the summer of '64, to compete with Colpix's official soundtrack album. The only new material was the "Golden Chorus" singing the title song and "Ash Can Parade" at the start of side one. The other tracks also included Quick Draw and Huck's songs about safety and anti-littering, and the Hokey Wolf song featuring Frank Milano (with most of the "side two" dialogue eliminated)...a cheap way to cash in on the film, to be sure.
ReplyDeleteAnimation history has not been kind of Delo States. After all, history has not been kind of Delo States. I am sorry that Delo States's career was very cold. After the cartoon "Underdog," Delo States's trail turns cold.
I actually have a fond memory of the "Snooper and Blabber" song. My mother pointed out that it used a tune from "H.M.S. Pinafore" (the one that starts "When I was a lad") with "Snooper-Blabber-Agency" subsituting for "member-of-the-Queen's-Na-vy." The first time I heard of Gilbert & Sullivan.