Monday, 17 February 2025

Yogi Bear is On the Air. Hey, Hey, Hee!

“MeTV is running old Hanna-Barbera cartoons. What do you think, Yowp?” I have been asked by blog readers. I’m not really sure why anyone is all that interested; like anything else I’ve written about cartoons, you can take my opinion or it leave it.

I’m happy the old cartoons are getting some exposure, and may attract new viewers. It’s no secret there are some series that leave me cold (sorry, Magilla) but there’s nothing wrong with watching the original Huck Hound and Yogi Bear shows, especially in higher definition versions than anyone has seen before. To think that 60-plus years ago, our antenna was pulling in these same cartoons on a black-and-white Philco on channels that were, in some cases, about 120 miles away. (I confess I have not owned a set in almost 30 years so I am not watching MeTV or any TV. Sorry, Philco).

Long-time readers here know my favourite of all the H-B series is The Quick Draw McGraw Show, which MeTV is not airing. I have no inside knowledge about the situation. Perhaps Jerry Beck has some insight. To speculate, it could be a case, like the late Earl Kress told me when he tried to assemble a DVD set of the show years ago, some elements are missing or are in poor shape. And the first two seasons use the Langlois Filmusic library, which could not be cleared for home video use. I suspect Warners would like to recoup some restoration costs through BluRay sales. (The cartoons also feature the Capitol Hi-Q library, but most of the cues are by Phil Green which, the way Earl put it, could be cleared through EMI. Other ones by Bill Loose were a problem).

Like Yogi in hibernation, this poor old blog is supposed to be slumbering peacefully, but Strummer Petersen sent me some of the in-between cartoons that are airing on the Yogi show on MeTV, and I felt obliged to post some frames from one of them.

Long before “universes” based on who owns a cartoon, Quick Draw, Yogi and Huck interacted with other characters who appeared on their programme in little vignettes between the cartoons. This makes perfect sense, unlike mushing Jonny Quest and the Snorks in some kind of warped cross-breeding that you’d find in Tex Avery’s Farm of Tomorrow.

In one of the in-between shorts, Yogi is a waiter in a Brown Derby-like restaurant (at least, judging by the Hanna-Barbera star pictures on the wall). His customer is Yakky Doodle (played by Jimmy Weldon).

“What is the speciality of the house?” enquires the duck.

“Roast duck. What else?” replies Yogi. We get a stretch take out of Yakky, who flies away in horror.

I love Yogi’s quick expression as he realises punking Yakky has been a success. Take that, you annoying duck!

“I can understand his sensitivity,” Yogi confides in us. I feel the same way about bear claws.” He does his Yogi laugh as he swings his head from side to side.

But Yogi, ducks can be eaten. No one eats bear claws. Oh, well.

Ed Love is the animator of this little piece.

MeTV viewers, I hope you enjoy the old cartoons on television once again. Maybe El Kabong will swing onto the small screen in high-def some day.

Update: Reader Matt Hunter tells me a bear claw is like a Danish pastry. I've never heard of it. But now the gag makes sense.


  1. Yogi Bear - you just gotta love him, eh? I do anyway.

  2. You never ate a bear claw? It's a pastry, you know.

    Personally, I have little interest in revisiting H-B cartoons post 1958 when the MGM influence began to wane. I'd actually be surprised if "Quick Draw McGraw" was being shown on TV nowadays: Baba Looie undoubtedly would be designated a racist stereotype, to say nothing of El Kabong.

    1. Bear Claws are yummy. Yummier than the average bear claw.:)

    2. Brando, give it a rest. No one cares what you like or don't like or how you feel about Quick Draw. Let the rest of us enjoy these cartoons. You do this at Cartoon Research too. Sheesh, get a life.

    3. No, I have never heard of it. I gather it's some American thing.
      Baba Looey is based on Desi Arnaz. I have yet to see I Love Lucy being banned.

    4. I'm american and I've never heard of it either. Also, I agree with anon about Hans comments about Quick Draw (What does this have to do with the post?).

  3. Huckleberry Hound premieres on MeTV this summer or late spring this year. Expect a Bluray of him and/or Yogi too!

    As for McGraw, Neal Sabin told that on Hanna Barbera podcast that Snooper & Blabber NO LONGER has music troubles most likely due to how Quick/Augie cartoons use Hecky Krasnow cues and Snooper does not. Beck statement: "We would love to release Quick Draw to physical media and MeTV Toons. But music clearance and restoration issues stand in the way.
    That's where it stands now - we are well aware of the desire to see these again... I'm dying to see them again myself." Here's to hoping for 2026 maybe.

    1. "Inside the House of Hanna-Barbera on MeTV Toons" is the title.

    2. Mr.Krasnow cues originated in the Sam Fox Library,still another used by HB and other outfitsk,with a laundry list...L.E.DeFransesco with a sports like cue used in a few Gumby shorts like TOO LOO and a number of Yogi,Huck,and M<eece shorts, and J.L.Deketur's horse cue GALLOP.Also D.Buttolphs COCKEYED COL.most memorable from RUFF AND REDDY but also used in some Meeces/Jinks and Huck shorts,but no YOgi's..

      Also the Doggies used the Cadkin/Bluestone cues, and Raoul Kraushaar'sOmar cues can be heard on the Huck trilogy..

  4. Good quality masters is, I believe, one of the reasons Ruff and Reddy have been unaccounted and never got a home video release. The last time the boys were seen on TV was on Boomerang before their rebrand.

    1. Back in the VHS days, Hanna-Barbera had released " Bill & Joe's " favorites. It had a few " Ruff and Reddy " shorts on it. Used to see it at the old " Blockbuster Video " stores. Both, are long gone these days. On streaming, " Tubi " used to have Yogi Bear, cleaned up and with all the original Capitol music cues. Not sure if they still offer it.

    2. Yogi is gone from Tubi I just checked. They still have Flintstones and Ol' Scoob. They used to carry Jetsons and Jonny Quest (the latter being the recent Blu-ray release, from when I can recall).

    3. Yogi is now on the Max streaming service.
