Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Flintstones Weekend Comics, August 1967

Betty Rubble really was the Trixie Norton of the Flintstones. On The Honeymooners, all the action centred around Ralph and Alice or Ralph and Norton. What was there for Trixie to do? She was Alice’s sounding board and, um, uh, well, not much else.

Betty at least got a little more screen time than Trixie because there was an I Lovy Lucy-esque dynamic on the cartoon show on occasion with Wilma and Betty plotting stuff together.

In the weekend newspaper comics, though, stories were built around Fred and Wilma or Pebbles. Betty disappeared for weeks and weeks. Finally, she resurfaces (with a stylish sun hat) after a prolonged absence in the comics in the August 6, 1967 edition. Then she disappears for the rest of the month.

Looking elsewhere in August 50 years ago, the writers were now incorporating Fred’s dad “Pops” into stories, and he turns up on the 27th (and an Emergency Phone! How Stone Age). There’s another Pebbles-takes-things-literally storyline on August 13th. The following week is devoted to a toll bridge gag, with a couple of dinosaurs looking on approvingly in the opening panel.

Note Dino peering in the opening panel in the first comic. It’s the only time we see him this month.

Thanks to Richard Holliss for the colour comics from his collection.

August 6, 1967.

August 13, 1967.

August 20, 1967.

August 27, 1967.


  1. One detail: the Flintstones Sunday pages from August 20, 1967 and August 27, 1967 (both drawn by Gene Hazelton) are included in the Ger Apeldoorn blog (

  2. The Flintstones Sunday page from August 13, 1967 (drawn by Gene Hazelton) is a real show of metalanguage!

  3. Why would the Flintstones throw a party without inviting the Rubbles?

    I'm detecting a slight shift in the drawing style, from the scrupulously on-model renderings of recent months to the less on-model and more stylized look that would characterize the strip in the late 60's into the 70's. In these strips it's most noticeable in the way Wilma and Pebbles are drawn. It's very subtle but it seems to be foreshadowing the look the strip will take on in the near future.

    1. Why would the Flintstones throw a party without inviting the Rubbles?

      They did just that in "The Golf Champion". (What's the matter with Flintstone? He's all right!)

  4. One more thing...I appreciate the comments on the Betty/Trixie parallel, something that doesn't often get mentioned. Their respective roles are very similar just as you have noted. (I am a big fan of "The Honeymooners" as well as of "The Flintstones"!)
